Sunday, January 30, 2011

Closet Cleanout

    Oh yes.  The Dreaded Closet.  For those of you who do not know anything about me and what my occupation was before I became a mom,  I was a visual merchandiser for a clothing company.  Basically I made sure that everything was neatly folded, hung and steamed and ensured strategic placement of each article of clothing as per business needs.  So WHY, you may ask, am I afraid of cleaning my own little closet space, compared to a huge store?
    Wwwwwellllll.  Our closet is not only a closet but a laundry room + nursery + storage room.  In my closet there is MY wardrobe PLUS my common-law hubby's wardrobe!!!  And 1 washing machine, and 1 dryer.  And a crib...... and a rocking chair, plus foot stool. There are suitcases and towels, bedding, and shoes.  There's an ironing board and step ladder, toys and documents.......  *sigh*
    So far in all my 3 posts I have mentioned the closet.  I think it is this part of the condo that bothers me the most, simply because it's not being used to it's full potential.  OH the things I could do  if I had the whole space to work with.  ( I get goosebumps just thinking about it).  It would be the dressing rooms of all dressing rooms complete with a hanging chandelier,  And backlit shelving to showcase all my shoes........  However there are too many other things that need a home right now so it will have to share its space.
    I'm posting a picture of what it looked like before I started cleaning and I just want to clarify that I do indeed clean out the closet quite often, and yet in 1 or 2 days it looks like this again. Why?

Half the time I think it's because we are always in so much of a rush during the day.  What with having to stick to the baby's schedule as closely as possible, if we need to go out it's a big scramble to get the three of us ready before her nap so that she can sleep in the car.  This will usually result in strewn clothes, spilled makeup, and wet towels on the floor.  Other times I think it's just pure laziness after a tiring day.
   I wanted to come up with a solution that would be easy to maintain. Something that would lighten the "jammed out to there" hanging bar. And a tool I could use to keep all my shoes with me instead of banning half of them to the storage cage down in the parking garage.  (Because you never know when you will need those bright fushia pink stilettos in the middle of winter)!
   Where did I find these things?  The dollar store!  God I love the dollar store!  Is that weird?  I can literally find everything I need at the dollar store.  and the great thing about it?  Everything is a DOLLAR (well a 1.25 with tax).
     I really wanted to switch out our old tired white plastic hangers for wooden ones.  Just to give it a more unified high end look.  I was being stupid really.  One wooden hanger would equal 3 white plastic ones that we were already using.  And I was trying to save space not diminsh it.  My dream was crushed when I realized that I would be stuck with these god awful bent, white plastic hangers.  And then I saw them.  Staring down at me from the storage section at the dollar giant.  Chrome finished sleek clothing hangers.  I'm not talking about a coat hanger that you can untwist at the top so you can unclog the hairball out of your bathtub drain.  I'm talking sleek, modern, chrome finshed, steel hangers that make a lovely windchime-like *ping* when they clink together....... AHEM....  2 of these hangers were equivalent to 1 plastic hanger.  My heart skipped a beat.  I bought 60 hangers for a mere 20 $  (they were 3 for a dollar)  and created precious space in our closet.  I went about the same way I did our pantry.  Banishing things I hadnt worn or didnt fit.  (Okay so I actually didnt throw any of my things away, but Simon ended up donating a full garbage bag)!  I designated spots for folding. Compacted the suitcases together.  And yes I am using one of those dang over - the -door shoe caddys!  I also decided to use the space under the crib as storage  I simply placed a flat bed sheet under the mattress and down over the side to hide what was underneath.  With  the space I saved by doing these simple things, I was able to get rid of the change table that was in our bedroom.  I think I accomplished what I set out to do.  Here is what it looks like now.  It's not my dream closet, but it's a little less chaotic.  Who knows maybe the baby will sleep even better!  *Tip* When re-organinzing your closet keep your like colors together.  Whites with whites pinks with pinks and so on and hang them lightest to darkest.  not only is it more pleasing to the eye,  it's easier to find the item you are looking for when things are color coded.

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