Friday, January 21, 2011

And A New Adventure Awaits...

       What ever posessed me to begin a blog?  I can't really be sure.  Maybe it was all the repetitive days of following schedules and routines for my now 8 month old daughter, (who is the love of my life) that was beginning to turn my brain to mush.  Maybe it was the overload of jumbled thoughts and ideas jumping around in my noggin.  Or maybe it was because I just finished watching The Social Network and thought perhaps there is some sort of rare opportunity here, that I should grasp.  Maybe MY Blog will be the next BIG thing!!   HA!! Fat Chance!
        However I did know what it is that I wanted my blog to be about.  Since having my daughter last May,  I've seem to have made quite a few new friends.  Steven and Chris for starters,  Nate berkus,  David Bromstad.  Just to name a few.  I had become quite involved in DIY projects that it was starting to become a bit of an obsessive compulsive behavior.  I swear, every time hubby would come home from work he would be stepping in to a totally new, redesigned space! (Poor guy).  He never knew what to expect when he walked through the door.  Whether  it be our massive walk in closet that is now housing our beautiful daughter, or using the space under the stairs for his new "office".  Oh maybe I should mention to you that we currently live in a 1 bedroom LOFT apartment in the heart of Calgary.
         Now for those of you who are not familiar with the term LOFT, let me explain.   It is a wonderfully, beautifully, architectually interesting space to live in........ When you are the ONLY one occupying the space!  However throw in another adult,  an 8 month old baby, a couple grandparents every now and then, AND a chihuahua!! Well you have yourself a nice little sardine can you can call home!!  There are no "rooms" just "spaces".Everything is open concept, so if you want some privacy, just lock yourself in the bathroom for an hour or two with a glass of red wine and your laptop, and then you have your own little oasis!  Dont get me wrong.  I'm not really complaining.  It could be much worse.  At least it has challenged me to come up with some pretty good ideas for storage and has tested my capability of being a true diy designer.
         So until we have sold our little nest, and move to a more accomodating abode,  I guess I will just have to suck it up and make it as enjoyable as possible.  And along the way I will be posting the oodles and oodles of budget friendly DIY and redesign projects, just in case you have an itching to do some yourself and need ideas, or if like me, you need something else to do besides pureeing baby-food, and making babbling sounds for 8 hours a day.

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